Post Secondary FAQs

The onus is on you to keep in touch with the Post Secondary Coordinator and to make sure your contact information is accurate.


  1. Application Process
  2. Priority Schedule
  3. Documentation needed for July 31st Deadline include:
  4. Does the Post Secondary Student Support Program pay for my seat deposit?
  5. It is best to apply to the education institute at the same time you are applying for funding.
  6. You will be expected to apply for scholarships.
  7. Do I have to re-apply for the Winter Semester?
  8. When can I expect the living allowance payment?
  9. What do I need to do in order to continue as a sponsored student?
  10. Educational Institute Dental & Health Benefit Programs
  11. Tuition Maximums Per Year
  12. Re-taking a course
  13. Book Allowance

Application Process

  1. Completed application form is date stamped when received at PBOE office.
  2. Applicant is given a priority number from the Priority Schedule.
  3. Waitlist students can expect to hear from PBOE by first day of classes if they are to receive sponsorship. Many applicants are denied due to lack of funding.
  4. The same process happens for winter semester with the applicants receiving their letters by mid-December. Seats become available if currently sponsored students lose their sponsorship. i.e. graduation, suspension, etc.

Student Priority Categories

  • Priority 1 is for high school and adult upgrading graduates
  • Priority 2 is for applicants who have never before received sponsorship from PBOE
  • Priority 3 is for applicants who have previously received sponsorship
  • Priority 4 is for adult upgrading applicants or those applying to transition programs
  • Priority 5 is for late applicants and students returning from suspension
    *For Fall semester applicants can expect a letter from PBOE by mid-July indicating their status.

Documentation needed for July 31st Deadline include:

  • Personal letter of intent
  • Letter of acceptance
  • Dependant form (if you have children)
  • Most recent transcripts
  • Course registration – Full time students must be enrolled in at least three courses (nine credits) to be eligible for living allowance.
  • Banking Information

At the time of application, it is not necessary to submit any documents from the education institute. If you are approved for sponsorship you will receive a letter from PBOE detailing what is required from you. However, it is best to be prepared!

No. You are responsible for the cost of your seat deposit.

It is best to apply to the education institute at the same time you are applying for funding.

You will be expected to apply for scholarships.

No. If you are sponsored for Fall Semester then you will be sponsored for the Winter Semester unless you were specifically informed otherwise. But, you must RE-APPLY for every Fall Semester. Watch for letters from PBOE in November and February.

If you miss a deadline your sponsorship will be withdrawn.

Living allowance is typically paid by direct deposit unless other arrangements have been made between you and the PS Coordinator. If you have not submitted a void cheque or your banking information then you will receive a cheque.

You can expect living allowance payments at the end of each month. There are two exceptions: December, when payments can be expected before the Christmas break;(except for students on probation) April, when payments are made on April 1st.

As a sponsored student you must keep your current GPA above 1.65, which is approximately a “C-’. If you go below this mark then you will be on probation for 2 consecutive semesters. In both these semester you must get a current GPA of 2.00 or better. If you are unable to make these marks then you will be suspended for 1 year. After which you will be given a Priority 5 category.

PBOE DOES NOT pay for Dental & Health benefits from your education institute. You must opt-out or be responsible for the cost of Dental & Health as invoiced.

UCEP & Transitional Programs $6,000.00

Diploma Programs $6,00.00

Undergraduate Programs $6,00.00

Post Graduate Programs (Masters, Professional Ph.D) $9,500.00

PBOE will provide tuition payment for a course taken the 2nd time. You will be responsible for tuition the 3rd time.

$100.00 per course – maximum of $400.00 per semester

PBOE will provide book allowance for a course only 1 time, even if you have to repeat the class and the book changes.

Fall marks submission deadline – April 30

Fall registration deadline – July 31

Winter marks submission – December 15

Winter registration deadline – December 15