Piikani Language Revitalization Initiatives

We have an inherent right to our Piikani/Blackfoot language. We have the inherent right to our traditional Piikani/Blackfoot culture. This is guaranteed to all Indigenous peoples through the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Calls to Action along with the United Nation Declaration on the Right of Indigenous Peoples. Language learning takes time and practise and through time will build strong, creative identities for Piikani children and community members. Programs include:

  • PBOE 10 Year Revitalization Plan
  • K-12 In-School Language & Culture Learning
  • Monday Morning Assembly with Piikani Elder/Master Speaker
  • Piikani Language Immersion Camps
  • Piikani Adult Language Learning Classes
  • Elder and Master Speaker Participation
  • Blackfoot Territory Site Tours
  • New Teacher Instruction Guide (in development)
  • New Piikani: A Nation In Transition Book (in development)
  • New Piikani Indian Residential School Interviews (in development)
  • Piikani Language and Storytelling Literacy Night

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